Godly Living: Treasure Hunt, Or Free Gift?

2 Peter 1:3 (NLT)
By his divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life. We have received all of this by coming to know him, the one who called us to himself by means of his marvelous glory and excellence.

Wow. God has given us everything we need for living a godly life. To me, that means we aren’t seeking it. It isn’t something that is just out there waiting for us to find. God didn’t hide it in some pirate ship hidden in a cave, and leave a map in our dad’s attic. We don’t have to run from the Fratelli Brothers and risk life and limb, overcoming booby traps and playing death trap pianos to get to it.


No. He already gave it to us which is awesome because I’m not one for treasure hunts. I would have given up and run home when I saw Sloth. So I am happy it is already here inside me. But at the same time; it is here inside me. It is here inside me and I’m not using it.

Or is it inside me? The next line says that we received this gift by coming to know him. If I am not living a godly life to my full potential then maybe I haven’t fully received the gift, which means maybe I have not yet come to know him. I have felt called to him. And I am definitely in awe of his marvelous glory and excellence.

So which is it? Am I in possession of this amazing gift that I don’t deserve? Or have I not taken the time to receive the gift? Is my nanny going to clean out my pockets and find a marble bag filled with everything I need to live a godly life…and save my town from being taken over by developers?

I guess the way I choose to live my life dictates the answer to that question. If I am in constant pursuit of a relationship with God, then de facto, I should be an example of godly living. If I am hiding from God, then I have to rely on myself to figure out what godly living looks like.

How are you using your gift(s) from God?

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