
rob vanasco

I’ve been down many paths with my career. I spent way too many years wasting away in a cubicle. In mid-2014, I was laid off and made an attempt at a full time writing career, only to find that making full-time money was going to require way more words than I had time to write. So I went back to Corporate America and found a passion for User Experience design. The idea that one could leave their cube to explore user needs and in so doing, potentially change an industry is very appealing to me.

No Cubicle Required refers to that goal. Get out of your office and talk to the people that use your products. Find out their goals and motivations. Listen to them talk about what makes a good day, or a bad day. Analyze that data and design experiences that decrease frustration, increase productivity, and maybe even bring about a little delight in someone’s day.

No Cubicle Required is a place for me to practice writing. It’s a place for me to share my thoughts on all kind of topics. And, it’s a place where I can chronicle my journey towards becoming a full time UX designer.

Let’s get on with it.

8 thoughts on “about

  1. Hello:
    Sounds a lot like what I’ve been trying to do in my life especially with regards to work versus purpose.

    May the Lord bless you as you march on. A good chunk of what you are doing on your blog is pretty similar to what I do with my blog, cartoondailynews.com


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